Algranel is a leading company in the market with more of 50 years of experience in providing port services for the loading, unloading and storage of bulk liquid products for import and export in the ports of Buenaventura, Cartagena and Barranquilla. Colombia – South America.
We are dedicated to the storage, loading and unloading of bulk liquid products
Since 1964 we support the needs of our clients
We are the only bulk liquid terminal in Colombia with a presence on both coasts: Pacific and Atlantic
We have 3 terminals in the main port areas of the country: Cartagena, Buenaventura and Barranquilla.
We have 126 tanks with capacities from 100 m3 to 4.000 m3
We store products in the categories of petroleum products, chemicals and vegetable oils
We are dedicated to handling bulk liquid products
We have experience in the market since 1964
We are the only bulk liquid terminal in Colombia with a presence on both coasts: Pacific and Atlantic
We have 3 terminals in the main port areas of the country: Cartagena, Buenaventura and Barranquilla.
We have 126 tanks with sizes ranging from 100 m3 to 4,000 m3
We store products in the categories of petroleum products, chemicals and vegetable oils